Health and Fitness Articles

Can You Get Thin by Eating
Thin Mints?

You may have heard the buzz lately about Girl Scout cookies. It is that time of year again - when millions of Girl Scout cookies infiltrate homes all around the globe - but this year there has been a widely publicized change in the beloved cookies.

The trans fats have been removed.

That's right, each shiny box of Thin Mints, Carmel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties will be stamped with a "Zero Trans" label. And just like that, the Girl Scouts get major press on how "health conscious" they are...just like the pastries at a certain coffee chain and even a major US city (New York).

So let's address the real issue at hand: Does the removal of trans fats make food healthy?

Here's the short answer: No

Sorry to burst your bubble there, but you deserve to know the truth. Yes, trans fats are unhealthy. Yes, trans fats have been proven to be of no use or benefit to your body. Yes, trans fats have been linked to an increase in heart disease.

Bottom line: trans fats are bad.

But simply removing trans fats from an unhealthy food item doesn't magically make that item healthy. A cookie is a cookie is a cookie. It is still loaded with sugar and saturated fat with the main ingredient being empty calories.

I'm not telling you this to discourage you from supporting the Girl Scouts. I'm telling you this to keep you from the disillusion that the media tries so hard to harness you with.

Eating Thin Mints won't make you thin - not even "Zero-Trans" Thin Mints.

So where does this leave you? My desire is that you will approach the "news" about trans fats and other "health" developments with a discerning eye. Yes, it would be great if scientists created a junk food that really was good for our health and made us thin - but we would be foolish to believe it.

There is only one way to a healthy and fit body, and that is through proper eating and regular exercise. It isn't a trendy solution or a ‘news worthy' discovery, but the fact is that it works every time.

Wouldn't you like to take control of your body once and for all? I have a secret for isn't going to be as hard as you think. Good habits are just as addictive as bad ones. Once you begin your journey towards a fitter, healthier, sexier you, nothing will stop you from achieving your goal.
Contact me today to schedule your fitness consultation. It's the fastest way to getting the results you want.

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